Fr. Provincial’s Easter Message 2017

Dear brothers and sisters:
Let us continue to reflectively journey together in the next days of this Holy Week tracing the path our Lord Jesus took towards that mountain where everything which had begun out of obedience to the Father will culminate in that supreme oblation of Himself for our redemption.
Pope Francis said: “the Paschal Triduum is the memorial of a drama of love that gives us the certainty that we will never be abandoned in the trials of life.” And he continued:
On Holy Thursday: “Jesus teaches that the Eucharist is love that makes itself service’” and that “in giving Himself to us as nourishment, Jesus demonstrates that we must learn to divide this sustenance with others, so that it may become a true communion of life with those who are in need.”
Good Friday is the culmination of love. “If God has shown His supreme love in the death of Jesus, then we, too, regenerated by the Holy Spirit, can and must love each other.”
And finally, Holy Saturday, the day of God’s silence. “On this day, love becomes the wait for life in the resurrection. It is the love that does not doubt, but that hopes in the word of the Lord, so as to become manifest and resplendent on Easter Day.”
“Because the entire Paschal Mystery was instituted for the remission of sins, let us imitate what we hope to celebrate.” (Pope Leo the Great, Sermon 50.3)