Commission on Social and Ecological Concerns-Recoletos
Responding to the call of the Church to be present in the peripheries, mandated to be creators of communion and committed to a change of a lifestyle (institutional, communitarian and personal), the religious of the Province assume “a committed conscience... to take on a preferential option for the poor, for the family, and for life, [and for the environment] making decisions concerning appropriate responses in evangelization and in pastoral work from a shared process of discernment” (cf. Rule 5.2; Const., 282).
The Commission on Social and Ecological Concerns-Recoletos (CSEC-R) assumes the following tasks:
a) Integrate the statutes of the ARCORES International to the Commission on Social and Ecological Concerns-Recoletos by-laws (organizational structure, programs and implementing guidelines, training and formation program) making the ARCORES Filipinas as the legal implementing arm of the social apostolates of the entire Province.
b) Align with ARCORES International concrete advocacy development action-programs on the areas of social justice, solidarity, peace and integrity of creation to enhance the existing social programs in the provincial and local levels (communities, schools, parishes, formation centers).
c) Support and sustain the existing social (e.g. feeding, livelihood, street children, social formation, jail and prison ministry) and environmental (e.g. eco-formation, energy-saving practices, waste management, transition to renewable energy, greening programs) action programs of the communities, parishes, schools, seminaries and mission areas.
d) Promote Days of Solidarity in our Province and craft programs fomenting Prayer, Reflection and Action enriched with Augustinian Recollect charism:
- World Day of Prayer for the Sick
- World Day of Hunger
- World Day of the Poor
- World Day of Prayer for Creation
- World Day of Migrants and Refugees
- World Day of Indigenous Peoples
- World Day Against Human Trafficking (February 12)
- World Food Day
- Season of Creation (World Creation Sunday -First Sunday of September)
- Earth Day (April 22)
- Earth Hour (March 24)
e) Craft programs of encounter and healing to accommodate victims of man-made and natural calamities in, for example, evacuation centers and victims of drug-war through the right to sanctuary.
f) Continue implementing the Housing Program for Employees (e.g. partnership with other housing providers or private partnership), and standardize the policies and guidelines for the whole Province.
g) Ensure the implementation of the fair wage compensation scheme in all communities of the Province according to local labor laws.
h) Support ARCORES - Filipinas by allocating 0.2% of the Community’s annual budget to facilitate the implementation of the social projects of the Province and local communities.

Fray Jaazeal Estelou D. Jakosalem, OAR
Chairman, Commission on Social and Ecological Concerns-Recoletos