Welcome to our website!

[block type=”rounded” color=”#FFF” background=”#22b8f0″][dropcap]After some weeks of disengagement from what Pope Francis calls “great digital continent,” or of “fuga mundi” contrived to come out later revivified, now we are back on our feet to continue our online presence of bringing everyone into the heart of the Church and the Gospel—the Recoletos way.[/dropcap]
This is one of our commitments as Augustinian Recollect friars sent to live and work in the Philippines, Taiwan and Sierra Leone, West Africa, or even beyond: that from our profound encounter with Jesus, we become His missionary disciples and prophetic witnesses to others. Loaning a noted theological tagline, “faith seeking relevance,” we make use and make sense of current information technology at the service of authentic encounter and engagement with those in digital highway “as they advance in their search for the truth and the meaning of human existence” (Pope Benedict XVI, Message for the 47th World Communications Day, 2013).
With the challenges to promote “neighbourliness”—since the world of media is “a network not of wires but of people” (Pope Francis, Message for the 48th World Communications Day, 2014)—we resolve to comply what is enshrined in our “Life and Mission Project” which is, among others, to ensure the coordination and link among members of the Recoletos family in the Order, the Province, schools and parishes and other apostolate areas (cf. LAMP XIV). In this way, too, we assure our major superiors in Rome that we, the youngest of the eight provinces of the OAR, are determined now more than ever to make communications apostolate a collective ministry with a heart, an alternative venue for evangelization, and an effective instrument of communion.
As you “put out into the deep of the Net” (Pope John Paul II, Message for the 36th World Communications Day, 2002) and drop by this website, it is my ardent prayer that you be touched by the same Holy Spirit who moves us to take this sacred task of sowing the seeds of His love. I wish, too, that after your transit “from the virtual world of cyberspace to the real world of Christian community” (ibid.), you become more zealous in professing your faith in word and in deed.
May God bless us all.
Fr. Dionisio Q. Selma, OAR
Prior Provincial
Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno
Note: Posted on July 25, 2015 when this website was re-launched.