CSEC-R holds seminar-workshop to intensify Corazón Solidario advocacy

CEBU CITY — A dozen of Recollect friars appointed as community anchors under the umbrella of the Commission on Social and Ecological Concerns-Recoletos gathered at the University of San Jose-Recoletos, Cebu City for a seminar-workshop slated from September 16 to 17, 2015.
The first day was graced by Fr. Tony Salas, SVD who gave a conference on “Institutionalizing Congregational Ministry for the Poor and Marginalized”.
The second day focused on individual reporting on the status and updates of respective community’s hired personnel vis-à-vis the Life and Mission Project (LAMP) of the Province as well as on suggested programs and activities related to the Year of the Poor and the encyclical Laudato Si’.
“Among the main objectives of this activity are to give updates on the implementation of the LAMP assigned to our commission, to listen to the reports of the different CSEC-R anchors, and to plan for more intensified activities according to the Corazón Solidario advocacy designed by the Order,” clarified Fray Jaazeal Jakosalem, chairman of CSEC-R.
In a letter addressed to Fray Jakosalem, the Prior Provincial, Fray Dionisio Selma, OAR tasked him “to creatively spearhead a province-wide version” of the Order’s “Jornada Solidaria” or “Solidarity Day” which is proposed to start on November 8, 2015, a Sunday.