Who do we await this Christmas?

The story is told of a mother who was very busy getting ready for Christmas. One day, hurrying from store to store, she lost her little boy. Frantically retracing her steps, she found him blocks away with his nose flatly pressed against a plate-glass shop window. When he saw his mother, he exclaimed, “Look, Mom, it’s Jesus! See the Baby Jesus on the hay!” The mother pulled him away, saying, “We don’t have time for that!”
Like the mother in the story, we could be so busy with the hustle and bustle of preparing for Christmas. In the process we get distracted from the real meaning of the celebration. Barely a number of days from now and the most awaited event of the year comes. Beyond the thrills of the season, I just wonder what significance Christmas has in our hearts. At this point, I think it is just proper that we ask ourselves, “What are we really preparing for Christmas?” “Who do we await this Christmas?”
It is Christ who is coming this Christmas. Our preparation, therefore, for this great event should not just be a matter of spending hours hunting for gifts, of putting up lavish decorations or planning and attending parties, nor cooking (and eating) too much. All these are but worldly hullabaloo that can distract us from the real meaning of Christmas.
The scripture readings of the Christmas masses indicate that the Son came as a light to remove the darkness, to reconcile the lost, to bring joy to the disheartened, hope to the desperate, courage to the fearful, peace to the troubled, love to the forsaken. This is what Christmas is all about! We hope that you will find enough time to bring peace, reconciliation, courage and love in preparation for Christmas! Only in giving out peace, compassion and love do we find the fullness and happiness of Christmas! Let us take time to join Mary on her pilgrimage to Elizabeth bringing God’s gift of peace, hope, courage and love….