Newly ordained priests give thanks to “Alma Mater”

Mira-Nila Homes, Quezon City – On December 10, 2015, two days after their sacerdotal ordination, the newly ordained priests celebrated Holy Mass in the community chapel of Recoletos Formation Center at 6:15 AM. The formators, headed by Rev. Fray Lauro V. Larlar, OAR, prior, concelebrated with them. The seminarians were present and sang for the occasion.
This was their first Holy Mass in RFC, their “alma mater.” In celebrating Holy Mass they gave thanks to God for the gift of vocation to the religious life and priesthood and it was also the occasion for which they also gave thanks to the RFC community for helping them along the way in nurturing their vocation. Rev. Fray Jerik Siozon, OAR, was the main celebrant and sang the some parts of the Mass, Rev. Fray Lounal Jarumay, OAR, was the homilist, and before the final blessing Rev. Fray Nelson Plohimon, OAR, gave words of gratitude to the RFC community for being part of their formation. The traditional kissing of the hands followed during the recessional.