Luke 1:46-56
   We read in Luke’s gospel that when Mary finds out she is pregnant she rushes to her older cousin Elizabeth who is also expecting her first child. Our Father is a God of surprises. He surprised Mary and Elizabeth with unexpected gifts—a baby born of a virgin, a baby born of a woman who was thought to be sterile.
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    Out of this encounter with Elizabeth transpired the Magnificat which Mary proclaims to her cousin about the power of God and the powerlessness of humankind. We are frail and broken and yet loved by a compassionate Father—and this is what the Year of Mercy is all about.
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     God has something ready for each one of us during Aguinaldo Masses and it may not be something tangible:
– maybe a new insight that will make us grow in wisdom;
– maybe an experience of forgiveness or spiritual liberation that will bring us deeper interior peace;
– maybe a word of grace that will heal us of an old and festering emotional wound;
– maybe a personalized spiritual vitamin that will strengthen and inspire us for a new mission he has in store.
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    Only He knows how we are meant to grow during this Aguinaldo Masses.  And the best way for us to find out is to cooperate with Him, to make a decent effort to do our part as Mary did.
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