Pointless Points this Christmas

”What does Christmas mean?” Perhaps we should begin with this question because Christmas seems to mean so many things to so many people.
IF Christmas means family; THEN what does Christmas mean to a person who has just lost a loved one or has no family?
IF Christmas means shopping malls, Christmas trees and blinking lights; THEN what does Christmas mean to a family who lives in a remote village in the hills of Ghana that has no electricity, let alone a shopping mall and has never seen a Christmas tree…
IF Christmas means the giving and receiving gifts; THEN what does Christmas mean to a single mother of 4 children, working 2 jobs, barely having enough money to pay the mortgage, the heat and buy food?
IF Christmas means white snow falling from the sky and covering the ground and bare tree limbs THEN what does Christmas mean to a person who lives in the desert?
 Family, trees, lights, food, gifts and snow are all fine and good, and they can be very beneficial – but they are not what Christmas really means…. “
Adapted from a forgotten source