Fray Dunstan Huberto “Bert” Decena, OAR, a dedicated formator, at 75!

Mira-Nila Homes, Quezon City – February 19, Fray Huberto Decena, OAR, celebrated his 75th birthday with the RFC community. The OAR friars of Antipolo, Tondo, and the Provincial Curia came and greeted “Lolo” Bert. The RFC personnel and the employees of the Our Lady of Consolation Parish also came and greeted the birthday celebrant.
“Lolo” Bert Decena, OAR, since after his ordination to the priesthood in 1967, dedicated most of his life in the formation of future Augustinian Recollects. He finished his Licentiate in Pastoral Theology in UST (1971). He took up biblical studies in the Jesuit run “Biblicum” in Rome where he obtained the degree Licentiate in Sacred Scriptures (1984). When Recoletos Formation Center was opened in 1985, he was its first vice-rector. He was dean of studies when RFC was affiliated with UST in 1995. He has been teaching biblical subjects in Recoletos School of Theology. He is also conducting bible studies with some parochial groups. Now “Lolo” Bert is the spiritual director of the OAR formands in RFC and he is giving them spiritual in-puts every week.
As he reached 75 years of age, Fray “Bert” Decena reminded the OAR seminarians and young OAR prests: “As long as you are young and strong, give everything to the Lord!”
“Lolo” Bert, may the Lord bless you and strengthen you!