20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Reflection

The readings this Sunday invite us to rethink of how we understand our being Christians is all about. We have to see that it is a life of constant renewal and self-emptying. Jesus talks about discord, baptism by blood and absence peace, these will point us to the fact that complacency has no room in the Christian life. Christianity is a continuous struggle for perfection but not as the world understands the world, rather a constant struggle to be like Christ, to be holy. We have to give up many things in life, even relationships if these will hinder us from following Christ and hindering our growth in holiness. Let us then follow the example of the prophet Jeremiah and other countless persons who did not mind offering themselves for the sake of the Kingdom and for truth. May St. Maximilian Kolbe intercede for on this his feast day, to be like him in offering our lives for the sake of the Kingdom.