21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
•August 20, 2016

Reflection: Jesus invites us to enter the narrow door. The doorway to eternal life is not easy to enter, but it is not impossible to enter it. Jesus makes it possible for all to enter. The only thing that matters is that it is narrow, we have to exert some effort to enter it, we have to make some necessary sacrifices to get through it. But for many of us today, sacrifice, suffering, pain, etc., are words that we have to discard or to avoid. Many of us want to make things easy and light, we don’t want make sacrifices. But being a Christian is to love the Cross and all the consequences that it may bring us. We to make sacrifices. The 2nd Reading reminds us that we have to endure trials as “discipline” because God disciplines those whom He loves, He wants us to live upright and holy lives. The narrow door is for us, the lessons of love, the assurance of bountiful life, eternal life. Let us, therefore, enter it full of confidence, love and hope.