Bishop Jimenez to install 1st Recollect parish priest in Saipan

CHALAN KANOA, SAIPAN—The newly installed bishop of the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa, His Excellency Bishop Ryan Jimenez, D.D., will formally install Fray Allan Rubett Cabatian, OAR as the new Parish Priest of San Roque Parish in Saipan on August 21, 2016 in the parish church of San Roque, Saipan. The Rite of Installation will be done in the afternoon within the 4 O’Clock Eucharistic Celebration.  This momentous event coincides with the festivity of its Patron Saint—San Roque.
Most Reverend Jimenez who was ordained and installed Bishop of Chalan Kanoa only last August 14, 2016 makes this event one of his firsts in his exercise as Local Ordinary. Fray Cabatian is now with Fray Neil Bullos, OAR in that part of the Northern Mariana Islands who will later on be joined by Fray Felipe Rollon, OAR.