Fray Morillo to be installed chaplain

LARAY, TALISAY CITY, CEBU—Fray Anthony A. Morillo, OAR will be installed first chaplain of the St. Augustine of Hippo Quasi Parish-Recoletos in Inayawan, Cebu City by Most Rev. Oscar Florencio, D.D., auxiliary bishop of Cebu tomorrow, August 27. The rite of installation will be integrated within the 6:30 P.M. mass.
Fray Morillo is also the sixth and incumbent parish priest of the Our Lady of Consolation Parish-Recoletos under which the erstwhile St. Augustine of Hippo Chapel belonged.
The said chapel was officially elevated to a quasi parish by Archbishop Jose Palma, D.D. of Cebu on August 18, 2016, although the announcement about the new status was made earlier i.e., during the founding anniversary celebration of the parish last August 6, 2016.
Fray Domingo Saladaga, OAR, parish priest here from 2006-2012, recalled how the makeshift existence of the chapel began sometime in 2009 when it was put up adjacent to an eponymous and older chapel owned by a renowned family in the barangay.
“Who would have thought that those years of dramatic transition, like the pangs of birth, would one day give way to a moment of celebration?” a former Recollect priest assigned here marveled with gratitude.
When Fray Morillo succeeded Fray Saladaga in 2012, the purchase of the lot was made. People were mobilized to help build the temple of God. Gradually, with its brand new structure, thanks to the faithful’s collaborative efforts, the quasi parish located at Sitio Tunob Lapok stands as a veritable witness to the unyielding and dynamic faith of the people in this portion of the parish.