23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
•September 1, 2016

23rd Sunday in OT
4 September 2016
Solemnity of Our Lady of Consolation
Reflection: The Lord Jesus invites us today to refresh ourselves in His true teachings. To be a Christian is to be witnesses of Christ’s Paschal Mystery, His life, death, and resurrection. This witnessing is not just by word or idea, it is a real taking on the life of Christ. It is entering into His life, a life of sacrifice and love. Discipleship is a real following, a following rooted in love, a relationship. Yes, to bear the cross is not easy, but it is not impossible to bear them, Christ has shown us the way, love is the only reason for bearing the Cross, love is the only reason for sacrifice, love is the only reason for moving on even in the midst of all the pains in life. As we, Augustinians, celebrate the Feast of Our Lady in Her title Our Lady of Consolation, we are given the assurance that we are never alone in our journey, the Lord is with us and together with Him is our Mother Mary, She is our joy and consolation in our trials.