To fortify the Recollect youth as communicators of truth and mercy, delegates of the 31st SCORES indulged in talks and a praise and worship concert today.
Rev. Fr. Albert Pellazar, OAR, UNO-R Vice President for Academics, and Rev. Fr. Roy Christian Gesulgon, Dean of Studies in Sacred Heart Seminary, spearheaded the talks on Recollect youth and communicators of truth and mercy.
“You [Lord God] have pierced my heart with your love, and I fell in love with you,” Fr. Pellazar quoted St. Augustine.
Fr. Gesulgon highlighted the importance of hope and joy in upholding truth and mercy.
Fr. Gesulgon said that to be effective communicators of truth and mercy, one has to communicate through hope and joy.
The Praise and Worship Concert ended the day as Pentagon, performed songs of exaltation and glorification.
“Don’t be depressed when you experience heartbreak, for God saved you from a wrong one,” Blanche Sta. Maria, Pentagon’s lead vocalist emphasized.