San Sebastian College – Recoletos de Cavite Celebrates 51st Founding Year Anniversary

“Living in Charity, Associating in Christian Community, Obeying the Laws, and Trusting the Providence”
Inspired by our Father, St. Augustine, San Sebastian College – Recoletos de Cavite celebrated its 51st Founding Year Anniversary with a week-long calendar of activities. An Institutional Mass capped the 09-day Novena Masses commemorating Recollect Saints. The Eucharistic Celebration in honor of St. Sebastian was held at the Recoletos 4th Centennial Gymnasium. Rev. Fr. Dioniso Q. Selma, OAR, Prior Provincial, was the Mass Presidet and Homilist.
Among the highlights of the celebration was the now-traditional Pistang Sebastino/Agape wherein the whole Sebastinian school community shared food and bonding moments with the various stakeholders (employees, Faculty members, members of the Secular Augustinian recollect Fraternity, parents, students, and alumni) as well as other invited guests.
This year, SSC-R de Cavite celebrated the heritage of the other Recollect schools in a Cultural Night presentation wherein selected students from the Basic Education and Senior High School Department sang and performed dances evoking the fiesta spirit of the South. Wearing colorful costumes, these talented students wowed the crowd with their interpretation of the Sinulog, Dinagyang, Ati-Atihan, and Masskara dances among others. A celebration of pulchritude was foremost in the 2017 Mutya ng San Sebastian pageant wherein female students from the Senior High School students and College Department vied for the title.
The Testimonial Dinner and Service Awards Night paid tribute to employees who have rendered service to the institution with loyalty and dedication. This year, Miss Emma D. Chico, Dean of the Graduate School, was awarded for her 35 years in service. Other awardees were Dra. Maria Josefina Soledad C. Milanes (25 years), Mr. Rheymard G. Doneza, Mrs. Olivia B. Del Rosario, Mrs. Gerlen Herrera, Mrs. Christine F. Galicia, Mrs. Sherry A. Macapagal, Mr. Alvin M. Ignao, and Mr. Guiller J. Marcial.