The Feast of Presentation of the Lord

Forty days after Jesus’ birth, Mary and Joseph presented Him at the Temple in obedience to Jewish law. It is the consecration of the first born male to the Lord. The original idea was the firstborn belonged to the Lord and would spend his life serving the Lord. Today we celebrate this event as the Feast of The Presentation of the Lord it is celebrated in the Liturgy as “Candelaria.”, the rituals of candles. Candles are blessed and lighted to welcome the Child Jesus- the Lord-as he enters the temple. “Candelaria is a feast of light. The First Reading is a 400-year old prophecy that the coming Savior would be a blazing fire that refine and purify man’s heart. The Second Reading reminds us that Christ became man to lead us out of the darkness of sin and selfishness due to fear of death, and set us free to love. In the Gospel, Simeon recognizes the baby Savior as the light to the nations. We too, Christians, should always have a desire to see the light in our lives and everything we do. The gospel suggests two ways by which we can see the light: when, like Mary and Joseph, we offer to the Lord all the best what we have and all what we are and when we follow the laws of the Lord. If we live by the word of God and his will, if we are faithful to God, surely we will see the light even in the darkness moment of our lives.
My dear friends, today let us present ourselves to Jesus at the Temple and light up candles at Mass, asking to be refined and purified, and renew our commitment to follow His Light out of darkness. May His Light shine through us so that all may see the peace, harmony and joy in walking with Jesus. Let us always remember there will be no fulfillment and happiness greater than to have Christ as light of our life…. Happy Feast Day of the Presentation of the Lord…