St. Ezekiel Moreno Province at 18 celebrated with 3 religious ordained to priesthood

Mira-Nila Homes, Quezon City – February 11, 2017 (Saturday) Three Augustinian Recollect deacons received the Sacred Order of the Priesthood.
As the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno celebrated its Eighteenth Anniversary of its inauguration on February 10, 2017, it was fitting to give thanks to God Almighty by offering three brothers of the province to the Holy Orders of the Priesthood for service to Holy Mother Church. On February 11, three Augustinian Recollect deacons — Rev. Fray Sir Michael C. Dineros, OAR, Rev. Fray John Paul R. Tanquis, OAR, and Fray Roweno Eugenio L. Hamo, OAR — were ordained by the Most Reverend Jose Advincula, Jr., DD, Archbishop of Capiz. The solemn rite of priestly ordination commenced with the Holy Mass at 9:00 AM. It was held at the Our Lady of Consolation Parish, Mira-Nila Homes, Congressional Avenue, Quezon City. The families and relatives of the newly ordained priests as well as the Augustinian Recollect Family and other guests graced the occasion.
To mark a special landmark in the history of the celebration of Holy Orders in the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno, for the first time the newly ordained priests received each The Certificate of Ordination signed by the ordaining prelate, Archbishop Advincula, DD. Then the much-awaited moment in the ceremony was the giving of the first assignments to the newly ordained priests. Rev. Fr. Jose Ernil F. Almayo, OAR, provincial secretary, read the letter of assignment of each:
Rev. Fr. Sir Michael C. Dineros, OAR is assigned in the Our Lourdes Chaplaincy, Barangay Tambo, Ayungon, Negros Oriental;
Rev. Fr. John Paul R. Tanquis, OAR is assigned in the San Isidro Labrador Parish, Casian Island, Apostolic Vicariate of Taytay, Palawan; and
Rev. Fr. Roweno Eugenio L. Hamo, OAR, is assigned in the Parish of Our Lady of the Abandoned, Valencia, Negros Oriental
Rev. Fr. Roweno Eugenio Hamo, OAR gave words of acknowledgement and gratitude. After the final blessing given by the ordaining prelate the traditional kissing of the hand of the newly ordained priests followed.