13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reflection: Our gospel this Sunday exhorts us of two essential aspects of our lives.
First, the Cross is inevitable in Christian life. Jesus invites us to enter into His passion so that we may live our lives as worthy children of God. To follow Jesus is to carry our cross daily and this means that we focus immerse ourselves to His love, making no exemptions.
Second, Jesus invites to be generous and kind to all. When we love Jesus and follow Him, it is presupposed that we also love those whom He loves, the poor, the sinner, the marginalized, and the abandoned. Our following of Jesus is entirely manifested in our works of Charity.
St. John says in his 1st Letter, “If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ and hates his brother is a liar… he who loves God should love his brother.” This is the reason why charity and the cross are completely connected, because they are both of God.
Let us, then, ask the Lord that He give us the grace to carry our crosses and follow more dearly, and that we may burn with love for all.