14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Psalm – Psalm 145:1-14
Reading 2 – Romans 8:-9-13
Gospel – Matthew 11:25-30
Reflection: Our world today is bombarded with so much work, always in haste, and is in dire need of rest.
In our gospel this Sunday, Jesus invites us to come to Him, to find in Him the rest that we need. The world emphasizes success and comfort, which are achieved only through competition and rigorous work. The world offers a comfortable life that does not know how to live life.
To be truly human, is to live life to the fullest, achieving our potentials with great care. Christ offers us peace, a peace that goes beyond the absence of war or strife. Rather, He offers us a peace that is born of love, a peace that is of God, in other words, reconciliation with God, with others and ourselves. This is the rest that we long for. This is the rest that Christ offers us that we may become fruitful.
The yoke of Christ is the Cross, and this is given to us to carry, this is the medium of our reconciliation. Anything borne out of love is never heavy, it is always light and easy for love elevates us beyond our humanity.