17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A) – Reflection
•July 14, 2017

Reading 1 – 1 Kings 3:5-12
Psalm – Psalm 119:57-130
Reading 2 – Romans 8:-28-30
Gospel – Matthew 13:44-52
Psalm – Psalm 119:57-130
Reading 2 – Romans 8:-28-30
Gospel – Matthew 13:44-52
Many of us treasure something or someone, and even a place or event. Our memories are full of these. But the question is, “what do I treasure the most?”
The first reading this Sunday reminds us of what Solomon asked the Lord to give him a heart that is full of wisdom and understanding. We can see here that Solomon treasured God and his people in his heart. St. Paul in our 2nd Reading reminds us of God’s plan of redemption and salvation. St. Paul exhorts us to focus ourselves to the attainment of God’s promise, to treasure God’s promise so that we will be able to live good and holy lives. This is what our parable expresses today, that we treasure God in our hearts, to do everything just to possess God. What do you treasure in your heart now?