Eucharistic celebrations highlight Mt. Carmel Parish Fiesta Activities (Part II)

Eucharistic celebrations highlight Mt. Carmel Parish Fiesta Activities (Part II)
(July 16, 2017)
Mt. Carmel Parish, Cebu City—A pontifical mass presided over by the Most Rev. Dennis C. Villarojo, D.D., marked the culmination of the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Concelebrants were twelve Recollect priests and three diocesan clergies.Â
In his homily, Most Rev. Villarojo commented on the Gospel reading about the parable of the seed. He invited the congregation to ask where they are: “Are you the seed that fell along the path? The seed that fell on the rocky ground? The seed that got choked by the thistles, the weeds? Or are you the seed that fell on the good ground where it can take root, grow, change you and then enable you to help others change? “
He suggested three steps in order to overcome the obstacles that hinder the seed’s growth: 1). Set parameters or boundaries—seeds that fell along the path could easily be trampled upon by passersby and so growth is prevented. Protect the seeds by setting boundaries. 2) Dig out the rocks and clear the ground for the seed to grow—identify the rocks that hinder growth in your spiritual life and push them away—sinfulness, hatred, unforgiveness, etc. 3) Carefully separate and full out the thistles in your life—attachments to the things of this world and the like, Facebook addiction included.
The homily was beautifully presented and was welcomed by spontaneous applause from the congregation.
Flower offerings to the Lady of Mount Carmel followed right after the final prayer then a  number of parishioners publicly expressed gratitude to: the presiding Bishop, Most Rev. Dennis Villarojo, D.D., Fr. Vicente Ramon, OAR, Prior of USJ-R community; Fr. Joseph Granada, OAR, Parish Priest; the OAR community of Cebu, visiting OAR priests; diocesan clergy; sponsors, donors, pilgrims, choirs, florists, friends and devotees who have extended their support in making this year’s celebration a success.
To all the wider parishioners, devotees we say: Viva la Virgen del Carmen!