Sierra Leone West Africa

Father Prior General offered the new ministry in Africa to the St. Nicholas Province.
Provincial representatives, Frs. Joseph Philip Trayvilla and Jose Ma. Juango flew to Freetown, Sierra Leone to talk with Bishop Giorgio Biguzzi of the Makeni Diocese.
August 1, 1996
After careful study and considerations, the provincial council formally accepted the new pastoral ministry in the Diocese of Makeni.
December 1997
Arrival of the first Recollect missionaries (2 Spaniards: Frs. Santiago Marcilla, prior, and Luis Antonio Fernandez; 2 Filipinos: classmates Frs. Manuel Lipardo and Raul Buhay: 1 Australian: Bro. Patrick Hubert Diviny).
January 18, 1998
Fr. Jose Luis Garayoa arrived and joined the group.
January 18, 1998
Being their first Sunday in the parish, they made their first missionary visits “to some thirty small towns among the luxuriant greenery”.
February 1998
Civil war broke out. Fr. Garayoa was held captive by the rebels but was later freed.
January 12, 1999
Last two Recollects in Africa, Frs. Fernandez and Lipardo arrived in Madrid via Guinea Conakry border.
November 28, 1998
52th General Chapter decreed thew establishment of the new OAR Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno to which the mission post in Sierra Leone was entrusted.
March 29, 2004
Accompanied by Fr. Rene Paglinawan, classmates Frs. Don Besana and Edgar Tubio arrived in Sierra Leone.
April 5, 2004
Meeting with Louis Koroma, first native aspirant to the Order, who would later be sent to the Pre-major Seminary in Kenema.
April 8, 2004
Re-establishment of the Recollect presence in Kamabai.
May 27, 2004
Arrival of Fr. Louie Gabinete, accompanied by vFr. Buhay. (Fr. Paglinawan has left for Rome on May 17.)
November 18-25, 2004
First visit of Prior Provincial, Fr. Lauro Larlar.
June 2, 2005
Visit of the reelected Fr. General Desiderio Guerra, accompanied by new volunteer missionaries: Frs. Rene Paglinawan, Francisco Antoniop and Casimiro Lee.
Personnel turn-over later this same year: The Following left for the Philippines: Fr. Gabinete (20 September); Fr. Antonio (25 September); Fr. Besana (October) and Fr. Paglinawan (December). Arrival of Fr. Jose Luis Garayoa from Spain (29 September).
Personnel turn-over: Fr. Tubio left for the Philippines (12 February); reinforcement with the arrival of Frs. Manuel Lipardo and Vicente Ramon (4 July).
June 2006
First Filipino lay volunteer, Ms. Joy Pasaporte, a USJ-R alumna, went to Sierra Leone.
Personnel turn-over: Fr. Ramon left for the Philippines (March), then followed by Fr. Lee (May). Fr. Tubio returned to Sierra Leone (27 April). Arrival of Bro. Jonathan Jamero in Kamabai (12 June) and Fr. Abraham Latoza (15 August).
May 19, 2007
Recollects took over the Parish of Kamalu (or Kamalo), with Fr. Tubio as its first parish Priest.
June 1, 2007
Arrival of Fr. Joseph Shonibare of the St. Nicholas Province, who, two days after joined Fr. Tubio in Kamalu.
July 29, 2007
Official turn-over of Kamalu parish by bishop biguzzi to the Recollects represented by Fr. Larlar.
August 15, 2008
Fr. Latoza left for the Philippines.
- Chapels constructed (8): Mile 14, Kamoi, Kamahera, Kadagbana II, Kamagbabaranthan, Bunbankakendek, Kamabala, Kabakakarathon.
- New Schools (3): in villages of Kaninakay, Kamayusufu, and Kamathidi.
- Deep wells (22): in same number of villages.
- House for volunteers (with 4-selfcontained rooms, office, kitchen and sala)
- Health: Provided a dental chair, and attended to the medical needs of over 1000 people.
- Education: with 70 preschool pupils, 320 secondary students, and 20 in college with one in Spain (thanks to CEO Sen Pablo Madrid). scholarship for teachers and salary for those assigned in schools located in remote places.
- Fencing of the Mission compound in Masarankay.
- Green House: to boost agricultural production.
- Signs of vocation: The community is sponsoring the studies of Anthony Tarawalie in the diocesan seminary, and James Koroma who wishes to become a Recollect.
OAR PARISHES within the diocese of Makeni
Our Lady of Sierra Leone Parish
Kamabai, Sierra Leone,
West Africa
St. Paul Parish
Kamalu, Sierra Leone
West Africa
- Stations: There are 39 centers (1 in Kamalu, 33 in Kamakwie, 3 in Loco, 1 in Kamaranka, 1 in Rogbin). The farthest station is 2 hours from Kamalu (Kamawuni). All outstations can be reached by car. Kamakwie has 2,592 Catholics, with 12 catechumens and 2 volunteer catechists. Church-goers in other areas are fewer with Kamalu ca. 150, Kamaranka 80, Rogbin 100, Kamawuni 250. There is only 1 catechist for this biggest parish in the northern diocese in terms of area.
- Schools: There are 43 primary schools with 120 teachers, 3 Juniors secondary schools (Kamakwie, Kamalu, Kamaranke) with over 30 teachers. Farthest school is 4 hours away.
- Accomplished and on-going projects: Deep well, 3 new constructions, renovation of 2 schools, building of 2 huts for overnight stay, repainting of 2 churches, scholarship grants.