Sto. Tomas de Villanueva – Recoletos Formation House San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

July 21, 1947
Vicar Provincial Leoncio Sierra proposed the establishment of a “Colegio apostolico” (minor seminary) with the intention of having, in later years, a novitiate for Filipino Recollects.
March 31 – April 2, 1948
The Provincial Council meeting in Spain approved the plan.
May 28, 1948
Prior General, Fr. Feliciano de Ocio, signed the decree of canonical erection of Colegio Apostolico de Santo Tomas de Villanueva (Santo Tomas de Villanueva Minor Seminary). The seminary was housed within the school premises of Colegio de Santo Tomas – Recoletos (CST-R).
1950 & 1966
Extensions of the seminary structure were made to accommodate increasing number of vocations.
December 7, 1996
Inaugurations of the new seminary building at a new lot which now separates the new seminary compound from that of the school. Most Rev. Nicolas Mondejar, bishop of the San Carlos diocese, blest the two-storey edifice with 12 rooms for priest and can accommodate 50 seminarians.
June 12, 2007
Blessing of the 46-room dormitory for the first year college aspirants (originally 41 in all for the S.Y. 2007-08) after the ad experinmentum academic tie-up between seminaries in San Carlos and Baguio was approved by the Provincial Council.
June 2008
The live-out Program of formation (LOPF) was implemented for the first time but in its modified form.
House Prior
1941 Pedro Zunzarren
1946 Gregorio Espiga
1952 Bernardino Fabregat
1955 Federico Terradillos
1958 Martin Legarra
1961 Antonio Ausejo
1964 Jesus Solabre
1967 Jesus Martinez
1968 Melquiades Modequillo
1970 Anesio Villanueva
1973 Jose Ma. Juango
1976 Huberto Decena
1976 Delfin Castillo
1977 Rafael Cabarles
1979 Jose Ma. Juango
1982 Antonio Palacios
1985 Jose Ma. Juango
1988 Rafael Cabarles
1994 Lino Agunod
1997 Constantino Real
2000 Enrico Silab
2003 Pedro Escanillas