SSC-RdC, Cebu YM Technology Inc. sign MOA

San Sebastian College-Recoletos de Cavite (SSC-RdC) and Cebu YM Technology Inc. (CYMTI) signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) confirming partnership, August 17, 2017 at SSC-RdC, Cavite City. The MOA was signed between SSC-RdC’s President, Rev. Fr. Cristituto A. Palomar, OAR and VP for Academics, Rev. Fr. James Dexter R. Taquis, and CYMTI’s General Manager, Mr. Toshihiro Hori, and Production Control Manager, Ms. Buenafe Boiser.
Included in the MOA is the acceptance of student interns from the College of Engineering, Computer Studies and Technology (CECST) of SSC-RdC. “In our Cebu factory, interns that performed satisfactorily were absorbed by our company, we also send employees to our Japan factory for two years to undergo training” said Ms. Boiser. Student interns will receive allowances from CYMTI as part of the agreement.
Mr. Hiro was also surprised to learn that SSC-RdC included a course in basic Nihongo in its curriculum. “It will be an advantage for your interns, especially when communicating with Japanese employees and clients” said Mr. Hori. According to Fr. Palomar, the partnership will also serve as an opportunity for SSC-RdC to learn the current trends in the industry that may aid SSC-RdC in upgrading its curriculum. “It is the commitment of SSC-RdC to ensure that our students will be hired in a job that suits their field of expertise” added Fr. Palomar.
Witnesses in the MOA signing were Miss Krisitina Rose G. Carlos, SDPC Director, Mr. Rheymard G. Doneza, PR Officer, and Miss Nimfa P. Taupo, APD Officer.