Bishop of Chalan Kanoa presides over the ordination of Recollect priests and deacons

Bishop of Chalan Kanoa presides over the ordination of Recollect priests and deacons
On Saturday, September 30, at Our Lady of Consolation Parish Church, Quezon City, three deacons and 6 solemn professed Augustinian Recollects were ordained to the priesthood and diaconate, respectively. The main celebrant and ordaining prelate, Most Rev. Ryan P. Jimenez, D.D, Bishop of the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa, Northern Mariana Island, was joined by Recollect priests from the different OAR houses as concelebrants. The RFC Choir filled the church with stirring, solemn music.
His Excellency Bishop Jimenez shared with the congregation and the ordinands his splendid homily centered on three points regarding discipleship:
- Discipleship is not about authority but a humble submission to the will of the Father and modelled after the humble Christ.
- It is following Christ in service especially to those who need the comforting love of God. He gave as an example the Recollect priests assigned to his diocese—they remain as models of service and collaborators.
- Disciples should accept suffering as part and parcel of discipleship. He cites Isaiah 53 as a model—the Suffering Servant to the nation of Israel who silently endured unimaginable suffering at the hands of its gentile oppressors. As disciples we are to follow Christ even up to the cross.
The bishop concludes his sharing by giving the ordinands the assurance of God’s constant help . . . “Sa lahat ng oras, may AWA ang DIYOS!”
Fr. Tol Almayo, OAR, Provincial Secretary, addressed the congregation before the culmination of the Ordination Mass, announcing the assignments of the newly ordained priests.
(Our gratitude to Fr. Boyax Jaranilla, OAR, for the live coverage of the ordination rites).
Ordained to Sacred Order of Priesthood:
Fray Invenzor G. Melgazo, OAR
Guindulman, Bohol
Fray Mark R. Saludes, OAR
Las Pinas City
Fray Jayferson Baldelovar, OAR
Culiat, quezon City
Ordained to the Sacred Order of Diaconate:
Fray Paul S. Demillones, OAR
Fray Kenneth S. Caligdong, OAR
Brooke’s Point, Palawan
Fray Kenneth B. Pahamutang, OAR
Tagbilaran City, Bohol
Fray Elpedio N. Sarita, Jr., OAR
Valencia, Negros Oriental
Fray Neil Ryan C. Jarumay, Oar
Canlaon, Negros Occidental