Veritas @ 47

MANILA—On its 47th year of service, Radio Veritas 846 held a thanksgiving program honoring all the “Kapanalig” supporters (business, corporate, and institutional partners) on February 18, 2016 at 5 PM at the Arzobispado de Manila in Intramuros.
His Eminence Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle, being the Chairman of the Board, graced the occasion.
In his message, he expounded on the theme: Veritas (Truth) meets Mercy. He then elaborated on the root word “awa” (mercy) which leads us to “pang-unawa” (understanding, compassion) which, in turn, should bring us to “kawanggawa” (charitable acts).
The Recollect Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno was handed a plaque of gratitude by Cardinal Tagle as one of the institutional partners. Frs. Dionisio Selma and Henry Santiago received it on behalf of the province. Ms. Angelique Lazo, a radio and TV anchor emceed the occasion.
Fr. Anton Pascual, current head of Veritas, in his concluding remarks, shared that Veritas is not limiting only to radio broadcasting now but also gears towards telenetwork. It can be accessed through Facebook, Instagram, etc.