OAR Family Commemorates All Souls Day

QUEZON CITY- The newly risen sun is just starting to dry the drenched grass of the Himlayang Filipino when members of the OAR family trooped to the Recoletos Musoleo to commemorate All Souls’ Day with a mass led by the Prior Provincial himself,  Fray Dionisio Selma. It was well represented by priests,  religious brothers,  Coristas,  novices and prenovices,  members of the Third Order and some parishoners.  Before starting,  the Provincial enumerated all the dead Filipino members of the Province,  asking everyone to pray for them, as they pray for us,  emphasizing  Church unity,  members that we are, Triumphant,  Suffering and Militant.  The newly elected General Councilor,  Fray Raul Buhay gave the homily calling all to  ‘memento mori’  (remember death). He asked Fray Hubert Decena to share his memoirs about the friars buried in the Musoleo.  Before the final blessing,  Fray Emilio Larlar led the prayers for the departed brethren while everyone joined the Coristas in singing the ‘Libera me.’  All ‘gave-a-share-got-a-share’ of a AGAPE breakfast before parting for home praying…
Eternal rest grant unto the faithful departed O Lord! Â And let perpetual light shine on them. May they rest in peace. Amen