CAS Words ’18 promotes Philippine Festivals

CEBU CITY–The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Words and Music 2018 fostered different festivals in the country at the Center for Performing Arts (CfPA) last August 23.
Among the celebrated festivals were Pintados of Tacloban City, Pintaflores of San Carlos City, Negros Occidental, Kadayawan of Davao City, and the Pahiyas of Lucban, Quezon.
Selected students and faculty of CAS presented the aforementioned festivals through dance numbers.
According to Mr. Emerson Aller, the overall director of the show, this year’s CAS Words and Music aimed to educate and create awareness on the cultural festivals.
“Some Filipinos aren’t really aware of the different Philippine festivals that’s why this year, we would like to really educate and promote [Philippine festivals],” Mr. Aller said.
On the other hand, Dr. Glenn G. Pajares, Dean of CAS, said that not only does the Words and Music showcase the talent of the CAS family, but it also serves as a break from the stress of academics.
“Students and teachers need a short break, so it’s an interlude, an opportunity for the faculty to relax, and have camaraderie,” Dr. Pajares said.
The CAS Words and Music featured three competitions namely Song Solo, Song Duet, and Sayawit.
Egberto F. Selerio Jr., BS Industrial Engineering-5 student, placed first in the Song Solo Competition with his rendition of ”Kailangan Kita”. Champagne Cabido, BA Communication-1 and Chelsea Mae Flanco, BS Hospitality Management -3 placed second and third respectively.
Jullianne Lou Cadava, BS Psychology-1 and Dianna Rose Ligones, BSBA- Financial Management-2 bagged first place with the song ”Wagas na Pag-ibig” in the duet category. Mary Alice Tabada and Pearl Majesty Malabago, BA Communication-4 students placed second, and Alfe Mercado BS Psychology-2 with Paul Sumook, BSED-Filipino-4 placed third.
The group La Liga, composed of BA Communication-4 students, won first place with their LGBTQ+ themed performance incorporating dance and song in the Sayawit competition. PSYCHEE, composed of Psychology students, placed second. BATANG 90’s, a group composed of Journalism, International Studies, and Communication students, placed third.
Meanwhile, according to the college Dean, Words and Music is also part of the fund-raising endeavours of the college in preparation for the Intramurals.
“The practical side of CAS Words is that this is a fund-raising for the intramurals because [the intramurals] is very expensive, and we are joining all sports competitions. They need a support so we need to raise funds,” Dr. Pajares said.
The CAS Words and Music is an annual celebration of the heart and soul of the university that started in the 1970’s under former Dean of CAS, Dr. Milagros Espina. (by Raya Mae Japzon and Eiver Ky Villegas)