By humility, we understand God’s will

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
23 September 2018 | Mk. 9:30-37
Reflection: The Gospel this Sunday invites us to see the wonders of God’s power. Jesus emphasized that the key towards understanding His passion is humility. Only when one humbles himself/herself will one be able to understand the Paschal Mystery. To receive the Gospel message is liked a child being taught by his/her parents. God wants us to have the attitude of a child who is dependent on his/her parents. God’s power reaches its perfection in weakness, when one can only say “Lord, take over me now. I cannot do this on my own.”
St. James reminds us in the 2nd Reading that disorder and every foul practice is there where jealousy and selfish ambition exist. Only through selfless acts and humility that the fullness of life is attained. The Paschal Mystery of the Lord brought us our salvation and freedom. It may be looked as a defeat for some. But for us who are in Christ we should look at it as our sure hope. Many may come to destroy the good that we do and the name we bear for Christ, but let us always remember that God has conquered the devil through Christ Jesus. Let us, then, ask the Lord to teach us humility and put it into practice by our service of God and others.