Jesus, True Treasure

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
14 October 2018 | Mt 10:17-30
Reflection: What do you treasure most in your life? What do look for in life? These questions would seem to imply very mundane things. But there is always something beyond what we desire that belongs to the heavenly sphere.
Jesus was asked by a rich young man how is it to attain eternal life. The answer was to leave everything behind and follow Christ. Possessing Christ is to possess eternal life. It is impossible to gain eternal life without Jesus in our lives. Our 1st Reading reminds us that in order to be a good and just ruler, Solomon asked God for Wisdom. Christ is the wisdom of God, the Logos through which this world was created. Jesus recreated this world through His passion, death, and resurrection. We are able to possess eternal life through the Paschal Sacrifice. This is why Jesus was offering the young man to follow Him. It is by living out our baptismal promises that we can be able to attain eternal life, because by living it out is the complete following of Jesus. Jesus becomes for us the very reality of our humanity. He becomes our very life.