Humility is Greatness

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
21 October 2018 | Mk 10:35-45
Reflection: Those who have worked marvels, those who fought for the country, those who can do difficult things with ease are considered to be great. This is the human standard of measuring greatness. Christian life goes beyond these standards because the standard of greatness in Christianity is the Cross. Jesus emphasized that true greatness lies on how you serve others, in desiring that others may be preferred than yourself, in carrying our crosses daily and following Jesus. This is tantamount to say that true greatness is in humility. The Cross of Jesus teaches us that only God can make us great, only the grace of God can make us worthy of heaven. Jesus is the prime example of humility. His humanity makes us realize that it was for our sake that Jesus emptied Himself to be one with us and to save us. His self-emptying was the source of our fullness. God humbled Himself that He may lift us high and become worthy of Himself. He took our weakness to Himself and triumph over sin to show us that our weakness can be a source of holiness as long as we follow Jesus and cooperate with grace that He gives us.
You want to be great? Follow Jesus! You want to overcome sin and the devil? Follow the humble Jesus. May our Christian life, then, be an example to everyone in following the Lord. By this we become witnesses for him.