Master, I want to see

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
28 October 2018 Â | Â Mk 10:46-52
Reflection: “Master, I want to see.” This may seem to be a simple request. But this opens to us a very rich desire of a person in darkness, whether physically or spiritually. Many of us have sound eyes but we cannot see the people around us: their needs, their desire to reach out to us and many others.
Bartimaeus is a model for us. He did not allow the opportunity of God’s presence being there pass. He was not afraid to call out to Jesus in midst of all the crowd who wanted to silence him. He was bold enough to accept his incapacity and allowed the Lord to heal him. These are the attitude of a true Christian.
Christian life is about allowing ourselves to be found by God who never stops searching for us. It is also about opening ourselves to Him, with all the hurts and pains that comes with it. It is allowing God to heal us. May the Lord heal our blindness to His presence and His presence in our brothers and sisters. May we be never blind in our hearts for those people who need us, even those who are ungrateful and selfish.