Love of God and neighbor

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
4 November 2018Â |Â Mk 12:28b-34
Reflection: The Commandments are guides towards a fruitful life. God gave us the commandments not to burden us with so many dos and don’ts. Rather, these are clear cut ways towards holiness.
These commandments are summarized in the word ‘love’. We can, therefore, say that the commandments is a way of life that is founded in a right relationship with God, who created us, and with our fellow creatures.
Love is to will the good of someone. To love God is to do everything that is good for God, that is to do His will in our lives. To love our neighbor is to do everything that is good for them; to help them become who they are; and to help them reach their potentials as we aspire also to be the best that we can according to the grace of God in each of us. May we, then, fulfill in our lives the commandment of love and may we ever grow in this love of God and neighbor.