SCORES ’18: Making its way back in CST-R

By: Jeo Adrian G. Ling & Nathalie B. Señerez
San Carlos City, NEGROS OCCIDENTAL—Ten Philippine Recollect schools with an exact number of 100 delegates, along with their chaperones and the OAR priests, gathered together for the commencement of Students’ Congress of Recollect Schools (SCORES) 2018 Season 33 held at Colegio de Sto. Tomas – Recoletos on November 26-30, 2018 with the theme: “Recollect Youth: Promoters of Faith and Vocation.”
The host school greeted the delegates with warm welcome as soon they entered the school campus which flattered their arrival. The registration of the participants then followed. Picture-taking and light conversations took place as some of the delegates got the chance to meet new faces.

Moreover, the delegates also got the opportunity to roam around the campus to familiarize themselves with the facilities and installations inside the school. As they continue touring around and acquainting with some strange faces, an ambush interview to some of them took place regarding their impression and insights about the hosting of CST-R in this year’s SCORES.
Here are some of their words:
- Lindon A. Dagoy (San Pedro Academy –Valencia, Negros Oriental)
“I was shocked and amazed at the same time since it was my first time to join SCORES. I was privileged for this opportunity to meet new friends and explore more about CST-R.”
- Michael Orlan T. Gingco (Colegio de San Nicolas Tolentine – Recoletos, Talisay City, Negros Occidental)
“I’m nervous since it’s my first time yet excited to meet new friends.”
- Nina Isabel Gabrido (University of Negros Occidental – Recoletos, bacolod)
“As for a first-timer, I’m excited since I’ll be able to meet again with my CST-R friends in scouting.”
- Honey Mae C. Cabiguin (University of San Jose – Recoletos, Cebu City)
“I was nervous and excited at the same time, yet I’m looking forward to meet new friends.”
- Kenneth Jassen Castañarez (University of San Jose – Recoletos, Cebu City)
“It felt good to know when I found out that SCORES will be held at CST-R. And it’s actually my first time to join SCORES, but so excited to gain new experience.”
- Claire Anne Therese P. Hermano (San Sebastian College – Recoletos, Canlubang Campus, Calamba City, Laguna)
“I felt nervous since it’s too far away from my home, but excited of meeting new friends.
- Isaiah Gallardo (San Sebastian College –Recoletos, Cavite City)
“When I found out that SCORES will beheld here in Negros, I was very excited since it’s my first time to have a domestic flight in the country. I am also happy when my mother and father encouraged and supported me to join this year’s SCORES.”
- Lera Jane C. Camangyan (University of SanJose – Recoletos, Balamban Campus, Balamban, Cebu)
“I was surprised since I’ve never been here in Negros, and at the same time, I was curious and excited of what Negros can offer.”
- Ma. Shiela Mae Banot (San Pedro Academy –Recoletos, Caidiocan, Valencia, Negros Oriental)
“I am excited and nervous at the same time since it’s my first time to join SCORES, and I’m looking forward to meet new friends.”
- Miguel Angelo L. Basuel (San Sebastian College – Recoletos, Manila)
“I was actually pretty excited when I found out that SCORES will be held here in CST-R because this would be my first time to travel the Visayas region, specifically Negros. So far, we’re enjoying our stay here in CST-R because of the captivating sceneries around Negros Island, and I’m amazed how devoted you guys are for the SCORES this year.”
- Allan Angelo E. Cabugason (Colegio de Sto. Tomas – Recoletos, San Carlos City)
“For me, this year’s SCORES is exciting knowing that CST-R will be the one to host the event. We’ll also get the chance to show them the beauty of our school, most especially our city. It’s also nostalgic since it brings back old memories from the annual event.”
In the afternoon, a Holy Eucharist was celebrated with its main celebrant, Rev. Fr. Dionisio Q. Selma, OAR together with the Recollect priests and family. Fr. Selma emphasized the Year of Clergy and the Youth. He accentuated the love of God and preached the oneness and similar spirituality of the OAR schools in the Philippines. He reminded everyone that God loves us despite of who we are and how sinful we are. He will be with us until the end, for he never changes. He sends His people to lead us closer to Him and these people are our family, teachers, and companions. Moreover, Fr. Selma let out a chiasmus: The gift represents the person, the person represents the gift. If one would give, it must come from the heart. If not, it has no value, because there’s no sincerity. Also, he added: “Loving God means loving our neighbor as well as catechizing and caring the youth.” He reminded that everyone must have Christ in their lives and they must get up and do good. Through this homily, everyone clearly deciphered the love of God. “It is possible to give without love, and it is impossible to love without giving. Love means sharing what you have. Love isn’t love, unless it is shared,” said Fr. Selma.

After an hour of heartfelt celebration of the Holy Mass, the opening program then followed wherein Rev. Fr. Joel A. Alve, OAR, the school director and principal, delivered his welcome remarks. A formal ceremony was then initiated to hand the delegates to their respective foster family.
The day ended with endless laughter and fun as the Recollect community starts to build a stronger foundation of camaraderie. On a more positive note, the delegates finally got the time to spend their remaining days with their foster family. Some of them were expecting to venture a whole, new experience in CST-R and to propagate unity among Recollect schools through SCORES. Long Live the SCORES!