Obituary: Fray Luis Agustín Rodríguez Menéndez, OAR (1929-2019) (Province of St. Thomas of Villanueva)

A Religious Brother belonging to the Province of St. Thomas of Villanueva, Fray Luis Agustín died on January 26, 2019, the day before his 90th birthday, in Guadalajara, Spain due to cardiac arrest caused by colon cancer.
In his Prot. N. 041/2019, Fray Miguel Angel Domínguez, OAR, Prior Provincial said: “We can say that Brother Agustín was a good patient: no complaint, despite the pain of the wounds; no protest, in the cures he received. The health personnel, amazed by the disposition and attitude of Agustín in his sickness, began to call him a ‘holy man’.”
“Among candles, stoles, cruets, corporals and incenses, Bro. Agustín has taken hold of heaven to the Lord. ‘The little things done with love have the flavor of eternity’, and Bro. Agustín has been sanctified in the sacristies of our ministries, and has given the office of sacristan the character of a true mission: the sacristy has been the pulpit from which, with his life and in a simple way, he proclaimed the love of God, conveying words of consolation and hope to the people who came to ask for Masses.”

Let us pray for his eternal repose.