Continue your mission while living your consecration with joy, Father General encourages Recoletos de Tambo

Tambo, Ayungon, NEGROS ORIENTAL – Keep up, brothers, and continue!
Those were among the inspiring words of Fray Miguel Miró, OAR, Prior General, to the friars of Recoletos de Tambo during his visit to the community on February 23, 2019.
Although this visit in Tambo was already marked in the Book of Cosas Notables (Noteworthy Events) as his very first—and probably his last—as Prior General, his encouraging words to the community members to continue their pastoral work in this inland barangay and to live their consecrated life with joy left even more a memorable impact on them.
Recoletos de Tambo is composed of three friars: Fray Cirilo Andan (Local Prior, Chaplain, and CSEC-R Anchor); Fray William Cordero, Jr. (House Liturgist, Local Vocation Promoter, and RAY In-charge); and Fray Sir Michael Dineros (Local Chapter Secretary, House Chronicler, House Librarian, Local Procurator, House and Parish Personnel In-charge).
Fetched by Fray Dineros from the town proper of Ayungon at around 10:30 AM, the USJ-R vehicle that carried the visitors (Father General and his interpreter, Fray René Paglinawan) snaked its way up to the center of Barangay Tambo, approximately 15 kilometers from the town.
Upon arrival at the convent premises, the VIPs were eagerly welcomed by the Recollect Fathers and some parishioners. The Parish Pastoral Council members who had just finished their meeting that morning were also present to accord their visitors with their version of hospitality.
Father General was obviously surprised to see an appreciable number of people who turned out to give him a warm bienvenido. Shortly after, he gave a short talk to the people present inside the church. Lunch followed, and they shared a meal that consisted of lechon, native chicken, fish, the ever-present rice, and fruits – compliments of the usual generosity of the people. (And the residents were delighted to notice that Father General liked to eat “caimito,” a.k.a. “star apple”.)
In the afternoon, Father General met the friars as a community, like a father talking heart-to-heart with his sons. It was followed by an individual dialogue.
During the community conference, Fray Miró refreshed them on the purpose of his visit, encouraged them to continue the mission in Tambo and to live always as a community, and thanked the brothers for the sacrifice they are doing for a higher cause.
He highlighted some salient points, such as: working always as a team, allowing the lay faithful to participate in their mission, imparting the OAR charism and spirituality to the lay, and protecting the minors or children from abuses. Finally, Father General encouraged the brothers to continue living their consecration with joy.
After the official books were checked, stamped with the Order’s seal, and signed by the visiting friars, the visita de renovación was concluded at 5:00 PM. After that, they left for San Carlos City.
With reports from Fray Sir Michael Dineros, OAR