SSCR Graduate School of Law-Master of Laws (LLM) program goes around the country

The growing demand for Master of Laws in the country placed SSCR in a great position to provide for the legal needs of the members of the faculty of schools of law throughout the country. The Legal Education Board’s Memorandum No. 1 provides that “Within a period of five (5) years of the promulgation of the present order, members of the faculty of schools of law shall commence their studies in graduate schools of law”.
In the light of the need of the members of the legal profession, SSCR ventured to enter into consortium agreements with University of Cebu College of Law, University of San Jose Recoletos also in Cebu City and Tarlac State University in Luzon. It will likewise open soon in San Sebastian College Recoletos-Surigao in Mindanao and with other Recoletos schools and partners in the country that are still undergoing negotiations.

SSCR Graduate School of Law-Master of Laws (LLM) program goes around the country.

The Graduate School of Law boasts of the highly qualified professors who are mostly doctors in law and have Master of Laws acquired abroad and in the country. The LLM program employs different approaches in the courses offered ranging from face to face sessions ran as workshops and employs technology in the aspect of learning and research.
The Graduate School also emphasizes to students to heighten legal research and publication to contribute to the legal literature in the country.
This news article was originally published in