Augustinian Recollect joins College of Bishops

ARGENTINA— As the whole Church celebrates the Resurrection of the Lord on Easter Sunday, April 22, 2019, Pope Francis named the new Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of San Juan de Cuyo, Argentina in the person of Fray Carlos MarÃa DomÃnguez, OAR. Fray Carlos is currently the Vicar Provincial of Spain under the Province of Santo Tomas de Villanueva.
The Prior General, Fray Miguel Miró Miró, OAR, in his letter to the brothers of the Order of Augustinian Recollects, said: “Damos gracias al Santo Padre por este nombramiento y agradecemos a fray Carlos MarÃa su disponibilidad por aceptar este nuevo servicio a la Iglesia. Este acontecimiento es para toda la Orden un motivo de alegrÃa y un estÃmulo para ser creadores de comunión. (We thank the Holy Father for this appointment and we thank Fray Carlos MarÃa for his willingness to accept this new service to the Church. This event is for the entire Order a reason for joy and an encouragement to be creators of communion.)”