Bishop Uy encourages AR Jubilarians 2019 to SMILE

Quiapo, MANILA–April 24, 2019, was one of the most awaited events in the life of the 8 Augustinian Recollect Sisters who celebrated their silver and diamond religious profession. The AR sisters who celebrated their silver jubilee in the religious profession were Sr. Marieta Angelica Gunayan from Mabolo, Cebu City, Sr. Herminilda Ceniza from Pinamungahan, Cebu and Sr. Rona Alaza from Banga, South Cotabato. The AR who celebrated their diamond jubilee in the religious profession were Sr. Teresita Aurigue, AR from Malabon, Metro Manila, Sr. Angelica Fuentes, AR from Clarin, Misamis Occidental, Sr. Marcelina Diaz from Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental, Gerarda De la Riarte from Lugait, Misamis Oriental and Sr. Anastacia Fangon from Agoo, Launion. The said celebration was held in San Sebastian Basilica, Quiapo, Manila and was presided by His Excellency, Most Reverend Alberto S. Uy, DD, Bishop of Tagbilaran.
These sisters expressed their gratitude to God for His faithfulness to them together with the Superior General, Mo. Lucena Antipala, AR, the General Council, AR Sisters, families, friends, and visitors. Those who witnessed this momentous event can say that the Lord has blessed them, keeps them, and makes His face shine on them and is gracious with them.
During His homily, Bishop Uy said that like the two disciples journeying to Emmaus who failed to recognize God in their midst because of disappointments and regrets. We too are sometimes blinded and drowned in the streams of the past, our regrets and disappointments, pains and failed expectations and we failed to recognize God and His will.
According to the good bishop, we can only recognize God in the breaking of the bread, in the Eucharist, and for sure, the jubilarians are able to recognize God because of the Holy Eucharist which nourished and strengthened them and become the pattern of their way of life, the pattern which follows the actions, obtaining, blessing and giving also such a pattern which challenge us to love our neighbors even if it hurts. With Him, we can be able to “SMILE— see merits of life everyday”.