In Pictures: 11th Federal Assembly of Augustinian Recollect Nuns

Marcilla, NAVARRA, SPAIN–Forty-nine Augustinian Recollect Contemplative Nuns are gathered for the 11th Federal Assembly. Among the delegates, two are from St. Ezekiel Moreno Monastery in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, namely, Mo. Carmen Orduna, OAR, and Sr. Maria Emy Catalonia, OAR.
The assembly, which is celebrated every after six years, was opened last April 30, 2019 with the Opening Mass celebrated by Msgr. Eusebio, OAR, and the Prior General, Fray Miguel Miró Miró, OAR. They also gave a talk on Cor Orans and the State of the Order.
The main objectives of the assembly are to relinquish the spirituality and vitality of the monasteries and to draw new paths to follow for the next six years.
In pictures, here are some of the moments captured by Mo. Carmen Orduña, OAR: