Mo. Eva MarĂa Oiz, re-elected Federal President of the Augustinian Recollect Nuns of Spain

Note: This article is translated from the original Spanish text posted in
Marcilla, NAVARRA, SPAIN–Mo. Eva MarĂa Oiz was re-elected as President of the Federation of the Augustinian Recollect Nuns of Spain. This happened during the XI Federal Assembly that took place in the Monastery of the Augustinian Recollects in Marcilla.
The XI Assembly, which the Augustinian Recollect Nuns of the Federation of Spain have celebrated last week, elected its Superior General on Monday, May 6, 2019. Mo. Eva MarĂa Oiz has been re-elected Federal President on the seventh day of the meeting of the religious. Elected in the previous assembly in 2013, Rosa MarĂa Mora will continue her duty as Head of the Spanish Federation of Contemplative Augustinian Recollects.
Accompanied by Fray Jesus Lanao, OAR, the Spiritual Director of the Federation of Augustinian Recollect Nuns of Spain, the 49 religious women elected by majority the incumbent Federal President to continue exercising her work. At the end of the election, the delegates embraced Mo. Eva followed by the confirmation of the election held in the convent chapel.
Since last Monday, April 29, 2019, the Augustinian Recollect Nuns representing the 29 monasteries of Spain, Kenya and the Philippines have met. Prior General Miguel MirĂ³, OAR, was present at the opening celebration of the Holy Eucharist, together with the Augustinian Recollect Bishop of Tarazona, Bishop Eusebio HernĂ¡ndez. The Prior General and Bishop HernĂ¡ndez gave an address to the religious present.
The Prior General explained to the delegates the process of revitalization and restructuring of the Order and encouraged them not to be afraid to “make all those decisions that, although difficult, come to strengthen the fraternal life in community” and make possible “the most genuine experience of the charism that manifests itself in the contemplative being from the community, the liturgy, the formation and the attention to the sick sisters.”
He also reminded them that the Church “is a mother and teacher” and that is why at this moment he offered them the constitution ‘Vultum Dei quarere’ and the instruction ‘Cor Orans’. On these topics, Fray MirĂ³ indicated that this constitution and instruction are two important documents that must be incarnated in the decisions that must be made in the assembly which they have just started. Finally, the Prior General showed them the availability of the Order to support them in everything they need.