Congregation receives two new Postulants

Manila- Two Aspirants of the Congregation were formally received into the postulancy stage of formation during the private and Solemn Rites of Investiture held at the Augustinian Recollect Generalate on May 29, 2019 at 10:00 A.M.
With Mother Lucena L. Antipala A.R. and all the members of the council present, Aspirant Kristine Joy Salas and Aspirant Hazel Galsing were received as postulants. They were entrusted into the hands of Sr. Mary Joy Dula, A.R., RGC, the postulant’s directress with these words: “Sr. Mary Joy Dula, into your care, I entrust these postulants. Always bring Jesus with you as you journey together. Let them feel the love of Jesus and his mother, Mary, through you. Make them experience the importance of belonging to a family who values their presence more than any material thing in this world. Make them see their worth as a person so that they may form a solid foundation for their religious formation.” The addressee humbly accepted the sacred task with prayers.

The two postulants thanked the sisters at the refectory after the solemn rites. Gifted with an angelic voice, Postulant Hazel rendered a Thanksgiving song and Postulant Joy recites her penned poem as follows:
I desire and hungry for peace within myself.
Thank you for answering all of my questions.
The serenity of the mind, simplicity of the heart and
The tranquility of the soul is what I need to live in peace.
Deep within, there’s a voice
That pushes us to make a choice.
Though we live in a place of noise
The more we heard a beautiful voice.
There is someone who is knocking,
It feels like He is already standing.
As we look, we do not know what is really the feeling,
When He already holds our hands and looking at us while smiling.
He brings us to the place where we do not know any,
A place where you can surely say at first full of uncertainty.
A room where we do not know the people and many,
But He assures us that they are friendly.
Living in the same place,
Living in the same space
Living in the same room
Living together and altogether like the flowers that bloom.