Fray Carlos’ Episcopal Ordination on June 29

Note: This is an English translation of the original Spanish article posted on the official website of the Order of Augustinian Recollects (
The new Augustinian Recollect Bishop will be ordained at the Aldo Cantoni stadium, in San Juan de Cuyo (Argentina), with the presence of dozens of bishops and the Catholic community.
ARGENTINA–The Augustinian Recollect, Fray Carlos MarÃa DomÃnguez, OAR, will be ordained a bishop next Saturday, June 29. The Archdiocese of San Juan de Cuyo has organized a massive celebration at the Aldo Cantoni stadium for the episcopal ordination of its new auxiliary bishop.
The Eucharistic celebration will take place at 6.30 pm and will be attended by dozens of bishops from the country as well as the Catholic community of San Juan. The Prior General, Fray Miguel Miró, OAR, will also accompany the Augustinian Recollect in his ordination as bishop.
Last week, Fray Carlos MarÃa DomÃnguez has visited the communities of Augustinian Recollects of the Province of Santo Tomás de Villanueva in Spain, of which he was Vicar. Fray José MarÃa Sánchez, OAR will take the place of the newly appointed bishop as Vicar Provincial in Spain.
In the recently concluded Visitatio Ad Limina of the Argentinian bishops to Pope Francis, the new Auxiliary Bishop of Cuyo also joined his colleagues.
Fray Carlos MarÃa DomÃnguez, OAR, was born on December 23, 1965 in San MartÃn, Buenos Aires, Argentina. In 1972 he began his studies at the Colegio Agustiniano (San Andrés, Bs. As.), where he met the Augustinian Recollects. Years later, having made his novitiate in Burgos (Spain), he professed his simple profession on February 1, 1987 in the parish Ntra. Sra. De la Consolación (CA of Buenos Aires), where he would also profess his solemn vows on March 15, 1992. In September 12 of that same year, he was ordained deacon in Villa Maipú (San MartÃn, Bs. As.), and later was ordained as a proest on March 13, 1993 by Bishop Domingo Castagna.
During his years in formation, he obtained the degree of Bachelor and Professor in Theology, Bachelor of Pastoral Theology and Professor of Primary Education. After completing his initial training at the Seminary of San Ezequiel (San Andrés, Bs. As.), he was assigned to the San José School of Villa Maipú (San MartÃn, Bs. As.), where he was the Director of the Technical School. Later, as a deacon, he was assigned in the Seminary of San Ezequiel, as parochial vicar, and from 1995 to 2003, he developed an intense work as a vocational promoter in Santa Fe (Argentina). In 2003 he was appointed Prior of the community of the Seminary of San Ezequiel. Later, he was elected as Provincial Vicar of Argentina, in 2006, a position he held until 2012.
Fray Carlos MarÃa DomÃnguez has been one of the main promoters of the Augustinian Recollect youth ministry through the JAR (Juventud Agustina Recoleta). In recent years he has been part of numerous committees of revitalization and restructuring of the Order, spreading the Augustinian Spiritual Exercises and prayer workshops with St. Augustine.
In 2015, he was elected by the Prior Provincial of the Province of Santo Tomás de Villanueva, a job he held until November 2018. He was subsequently elected Vicar Provincial in Spain, a position he currently held.