7 Pre-Novices received as Novices; 1 Novice renounces parental inheritance

Antipolo City, RIZAL–St. Ezekiel Moreno Novitiate-Recoletos received seven postulants who have finished their one-year Pre-Novitiate Program, and the renunciation of parental inheritance by one novice prior to his Simple Profession of Vows. This took place at St. Ezekiel Moreno Chapel on June 28, 2019.
Prior to their acceptance to the novitiate, Fray Ken Oliver Lao, OAR, accompanied the candidates in their five-day spiritual retreat last June 17 to 21, 2019 held at Canossa Spirituality Center, Tagaytay City with the theme on “Be not Afraid.”

During the Rite of Acceptance to the Novitiate, Fray James Castelo, OAR, Pre-Novitiate Director, read the official communication from the Prior Provincial stating the approval of the Major Superior that these candidates be accepted as novices. After reading the official letter, Fray Castelo presented the candidates to the Prior of the Novitiate, Fray Paulino Dacanay, OAR, who in turn entrusted them to the Novice Master, Fray Roland Cepe, OAR.

In his exhortation, Fray Dacanay urged the brothers to 1) be honest to themselves, to their brothers, and to God; 2) to be a brother to their companions in the community; 3) to listen to God; and 4) to be matured in handling their possession, especially on gadgets.
He also reiterated the directive of the Constitutions that “the particular nature and aim of the novitiate demand that the major superior and those responsible for formation ensure for the novices adequate conditions of stability, solitude, and silence, and for the practice of prolonged periods of prayer. This is attained ‘only from a detachment from one’s self from everything in the world that resists God, and even from those worldly values that are undeniably worthy of respect'” (Directives on Formation in Religious Institutes, Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life, 1983, 50; OAR Const. 216). After the Prior’s exhortation, the tunic and the belt were blest according to the formularies of the Rituals of the Order. Afterwards, the formators of Recoletos de Antipolo assisted the newly accepted novices in donning their habit. As a custom, the formators welcomed the brothers through their fraternal embrace.

The Rite of Acceptance to the Novitiate was done in private at St. Ezekiel Moreno Chapel where, in accordance with the Constitutions of the Order, “the habit [of the Order] will be handed to the novices in private, as the official act of clothing with the habit will take place during the rite of first profession” (OAR Const. 215).
The newly accepted novices are:
- Fray Joseph Neil Baygan
- Fray MC Airel Capinpin
- Fray James Esplanada
- Fray Judd Galinato
- Fray Mark Joseph Quirante
- Fray Lord Zeus Vaño
- Fray Chrislean Rey Pamilaga

Following the Rite of Acceptance to the Novitiate was the Rite of Renunciation of Properties done by Fray Neil Robert Alilain who will profess his simple vows the following day. At the beginning of the rite, Fray Roland Cepe, OAR, Novice Master, read the Gospel. In his short reflection, Fray Dacanay shared with those present, which includes the parents of Fray Alilain, that the renunciaton of parental properties is a sign of entrusting one’s self to God through the Order.
After the brief reflection, Fray Neil Robert pronounced the formula of renunciation of properties and signed the document in the presence of two witnesses, Fray Cepe and Fray Dacanay.
The Rite of Renunciation of Properties closed with a Solemn Blessing given by the Prior: Benedicamus Domino. Deo gratias!