ARSC National Office Declares 10th Provincial Congress Theme Song and Logo Winners
•August 10, 2019

Manila— Sr. Ingrid C. Gueriña, A.R., the National Directress of the Augustinian Recollect Student Crusaders (ARSC) declared the winners of the theme song and logo contests for the 10th ARSC Provincial Congress on August 6, 2018, Feast of the Transfiguration.
To be one with the Church, the theme of the Year of the Youth was embraced. Hence, the 10th ARSC Provincial Congress theme: “ARSCians: Beloved, Gifted, Empowered.”
The art of Abegael Mae B. Gepitulan of ARSC Local Chapter Toledo City was chosen to be the 10th ARSC Provincial Logo and the song composed by the ARSCians of ICC Balayan Batangas was selected to be the official theme song.