Josenian educator tops August 2019 guidance counselor exam, gets third PRC license

CEBU CITY–Josenian educator Edgar Lucero Beronque landed on the fifth spot of the August 2019 Registered Guidance Counselor (RGC) Licensure Examination.
His rating is 88.55%. He is the only taker from a Cebu-based school who secured a slot in the top ten list.
Aside from being a licensed guidance counselor, Beronque is also a licensed psychometrician and a psychologist. Now, he has a total of three licenses from the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC).
RA 9258 that states, “No person shall engage in the practice of guidance and counseling without a valid Certificate of Registration and a valid Professional Identification Card or a Special Permit”.
This law motivated Beronque to take the exam for counselors because he works at the University of San Jose-Recoletos as a junior high school guidance counselor.
It was his first attempt to take the licensure examination and he was glad that he was able to make it to the top. He grabbed the opportunity to take this year’s examination because it was held in Cebu not in Manila way back 2 years ago.
“Wala gyud ko magdahom kay para nako lisod man gyud, abi nako og dili ko ka pasar. Ni hangyo gyud ko sa Ginoo nga ipapasar lang gyud bahalag 75% basta maka-kapyot lang” Beronque said.
As for his preparations, he took discipline for his self to do lots of readings. He even asks permission to not accept any loads this semester to have extra time to cater to his review sessions. The only technique he did was reviewing. It helps him to be trained on how to answer and how to analyze the questions. He added that all of his sleepless nights and anxieties paid off.
He already started reading earlier in January but he started his reviewing session last May towards the end of August. He was also assisted by Joan Paula Geniston, who placed 9th during the Guidance Counselor Licensure Examination last year.
There were 286 out of 458 who passed the examination given by the Board of Guidance and Counseling in Manila, Cagayan De Oro and Cebu.
The results were released by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) on Monday, (Sept. 2) just two working days from the last day of examination.
Written by: Jan Angelieka Marie Villapez BA-COM4(USJR Intern)