In Pictures: Solemnity of Christ the King and Installation of Fray Pellazar
•November 26, 2019

Saipan, CNMI–As Kristo Rai Parish celebrates their fiesta in honor of Christ the King, Fray Albert Pellazar, OAR, was installed by Most Rev. Ryan Jimenez, DD, Bishop of Chalan Kanoa, as pastor of the same pairsh. Fray Dionisio Selma, OAR, Prior Provincial, attended the said celebration and delivered the homily during the fiesta celebration and installation rite. Members of Recoletos de Saipan, namely, Fray Leo Neil Bullos, OAR, and Fray Jayferson Baldelovar, OAR, together with some of the clergy of Chalan Kanoa, and parishioners gathered together for this solemn celebration.
Photo credits: Kristo Rai Parish Facebook page