Fr. Buloy to 13th Raysters: Imitate Jesus and Mary

Baguio City — Many talks had been given to drive home the point of the theme for this year’s 13th Recollect Augustinian Youth National Summit (RAYNS), which is, “I am RAY: A Message and a Messenger.”
But the Seminary Liturgist and Senior High School Spiritual Director, Fr. Alexus Mansueto, OAR, might have given the runaway winner in the soundbite department in a reflection he shared with the delegates during the 6 PM Votive Mass in honor of the Our Lady of Consolation last January 21, 2020.
“To become the message, you have to be like Christ; to become the messenger, be like Mary,” Fr. Buloy (as he is fondly called by seminarians) said in his homily in a clear allusion to the summit’s theme.
The 13th gathering of Recollect Augustinian Youth (RAY) attracted 159 delegates from twenty Recollect communities from all over the archipelago. The summit, slated from January 20 to 24, 2020, was held at the Order’s Casiciaco Recoletos Seminary in the City of Pines.
Fr. Buloy expressed an urgent call for youth reformation in the Church and in the world. “The youth of today are like the two disciples going to Emmaus: confused, disoriented, chatty, and sad,” he said.

This reformation can be addressed by looking at the example of the Blessed Mother who lived a life of contemplative and prayerful silence, and yet always ready at a moment’s notice to lend a helping hand to others, for she is full of love that made her ever willing to make sacrifices.
Her ultimate sacrifice, though — Fr. Buloy stressed — took place when she stood by her Son’s cross on Calvary, weeping silently without even uttering a word, a demonstration of her total surrender to the will of the Father.
Fr. Buloy said when Jesus from the cross told John to “Behold your mother” (John 19:27), he is asking all mankind to always look to Mary for comfort and consolation for she has given the world its savior and redeemer.
“The challenge for all of us is to look at Mary at the foot of the cross, and find joy in suffering with Christ and the marginalized,” he said.