Prior General breathes encouragement to Recollect Formators

ROME–The formation of religious in its initial stage is fundamental and important. That was one of the main messages that the Prior General, Fray Miguel Miró, OAR, left the Augustinian Recollect trainers in their meeting at the ‘In Imum Cordis’ Training School. Fray Miró accompanied the religious responsible for the different stages of formation throughout the day on Wednesday, February 19, and encouraged them to reflect on different topics.
The Prior General began the day with an extensive talk in which he discussed multiple issues, in relation to the life and status of the Order as well as the formation. He began his presentation by talking about the revitalization of the Order, in relation to formation. “Revitalization is a process of conversion given to us by being open to the new things of the Holy Spirit, whatever age you are,” he said.
In this sense, he assured that “there is no revitalization without an encounter with Christ” and without fraternal life. He also said that the society and the Order are experiencing a change of era. Therefore, he asked to “look at the past with gratitude, live the present with passion and embrace the future with hope.”
During the second part of the talk, the Prior General extended to the formators “to be prophets of the Kingdom.” Fray Miró recalled the three vows: chastity, poverty and obedience. Finally he talked about the formation process and the challenge today in this regard. Specifically, he asked for “a formative community,” the need to train religious in a change of time, to accompany the human, spiritual and community process, and to give continuity to the processes.Â
After his talk he maintained a dialogue with the religious present at the Training School. Later they maintained a time of reflection, both by individual and by group, and finally shared with Fray Miguel Miró their main concerns. One of the most repeated concern was to form the type of young man of today, with a different mentality to that of decades ago. He encouraged everyone to continue their work, without despair and accompanying each of the young people who begin and move forward in the formation process.
(Translated from the original Spanish article posted on